Henry and Malvina Howard Campbell Family

Married, December 27th, 1865 at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. E. Robinson, Mr. Henry Campbell of
Center, and Miss Malvina A. Howard of Evansville.
January 3, 1866, Evansville Citizen

Henry Campbell and wife here made writings with them for my place gave them a deed.
From Levi Leonard Diaries, September 7, 1866

Henry Campbell has been confined to his bed a number of days from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism.  He was
taken just before the completion of his planting.  The members of the Grange here learning the condition of their
unfortunate brother turned out to the number of about thirty, Wednesday, and not only finished up his planting but
did an abundance of other work that was suffering from neglect.  It was a good act for which Mr. Campbell feels truly
June 18, 1873 Evansville Review

Annual election held at Patron’s Hall Saturday night, December 29.
Master, C. J. Mitchell
Overseer, J. G. Rowley
Lecturer, Eva Spencer
Chaplin, Vie H. Campbell
Secretary - George Spencer
Treasurer, W. H. Hatfield
Steward, Henry Campbell
                January 10, 1877, Evansville Review

Evansville Graded School.  Primary Department.  Pupils neither absent nor tardy, for the month ending February 2d,
1877.  Asa Bemis, Harry Bemis, Johnnie Baker, Elsie Baker, Dora Ballard, Maud Backenstoe, Eva Campbell, Leo
Campbell, Allen Clifford, Sammie Cole, Victor Eager, Minnie Sargent, Artie Snashall, Johnie Evans, Nellie Heron,
Cora Holman, Lizzie Monshau, Marcia Treat, Kittie West, Therman Whaley, Irvin Whaley, Gusta Hanover, Myta Siver,
Leo Bevier, May Walker, Emmet Heron, Frankie Johnson.  Mrs. C. W. Powels, Teacher.
February 14, 1877, The Evansville Review, p. 1, col. 3, Evansville, Wisconsin

Henry Campbell counts one more in his family.  A girl.
November 26, 1879, Evansville Review

1880 Census
Henry Campbell        140 acres
9 horses
4 milk cows
23 other cows
4 calves
1,500 gal milk sold
900 lbs butter made on farm
41 sheep = 41 fleeces = 240 lbs wool
10 swine
100 chickens = 500 doz. eggs
35 acres Indian corn = 1,200 bu.
35 acres oats = 1,400 bu.
5 acres wheat = 75 bu.
1/2 acre potatoes = 60 bu.
10 cords wood = $20

Farm values
        Land, fences & buildings        $7,000        
        Farm implements                $200
`                Livestock                $1,308
        Cost of building & repairing 1879        $50
        Labor during 1879        $300
        Weeks hired labor 1879        35
        Value of farm products 1879        $1,700

Francis Willard organized a branch of the WCTU in this city this afternoon.
January 17, 1880  Janesville Gazette

Mr. Henry Campbell raised the frame of a nice barn, Friday.  B. S. Hoxie of Cooksville, is chief of the square and saw.
July 6, 1881, Evansville Review, p. 3, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Henry Campbell is building one of the best barnes in the country.  It has all of the modern improvements tomake it
complete in every particular.
July 20, 1881, Evansville Review, p. 3, col. 2,

Vi Campbell
February 3, 1883        Evansville Review

WCTU - March 31, 1883        Evansville Review

WCTU founded in Evansville in 1883

There will be a basket picnic May party at Mr. Henry Campbell’s next Friday afternoon and evening.  Entertainment
musical.  A large swing will be provided for the children.  Conveyances will be in readiness at C. B. Morse’s store at 3
o’clock for adults and 4:30 for children.  An invitation is extended to all.
May 8, 1883 Enterprise

While out driving last Sunday we passed Henry Campbell's dwelling house which was injured considerable by the
storm on Friday, May 18th.  About thirty lights of glass were broken by the hail stones.   May 26, 1883, Evansville
Review, p. 4, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mr. Henry Campbell’s black team took the first prize as a carriage team at the State Fair.  They are a handsome
team and no mistake and are well worthy the award.
September 25, 1883, Enterprise

Prohibition Party - 1884 - Blaine was the candidate for President.
Vie Campbell helped draft the constitution for the organization.

Mrs. Vie A. Campbell went to La Crosse Monday to read a paper before the State Horticulture meeting which held its
semi-annual meeting of the State Historical Society at La Crosse, Tuesday.
June 27, 1884        Evansville Review

Mrs. H. Campbell had a good article in the last week’s Farmer on the “children’s day” at the State Fair, and as a
matter of course followed it up with some practical talk on prohibition.
August 22, 1884, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin

The following well known gentlemen have donated samples of their products for the World’s Exposition at New
Orleans:  H. Campbell, J. S. Roherty, E. F. Ellis, B. S. Hoxie of Evansville, W. H. Wells of Porter and J. K. P. Porter of
December 2, 1884, The Enterprise, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Henry Campbell is an enthusiastic worker for the women suffrage cause.  She made a large number of
appointments for Mrs. Gougar, in a few days canvasing last week.
December 19, 1884, Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie Campbell was State Organizer for the women’s suffrage association.  There were 18 charter members in the
Evansville Women’s Suffrage Association organized December 23, 1884

Mr. Henry Campbell and wife, are expecting to attend the New Orleans Exposition and will leave home about the
middle of February.
January 23, 1885 Evansville Review

B. S. Hoxie and wife and Henry Campbell and wife go Thursday to Weauwega to attend the semi-annual session of
the state Horitculture Society.        June 26, 1885, Evansville Review

Mrs. Henry Campbell, Mrs. J. B. Hull, Mrs. Lewis Spencer and a number of others, went to Whitewater, Tuesday
morning to attend the woman Suffrage convention.
October 2, 1885

Mrs. Henry Campbell expects to start on a trip to La Cynge, Kansas, about the middle of next week.  She will take
along her youngest girl, Pearl.
October 16, 1885 Evansville Review

Farmer’s Institutes organized
Finance Committee
Program Committee
B. S. Hoxie, Almeron Eager, Henry Campbell, J. B. Bemis and George F. Spencer overall Committee.
The State Legislature appropriated $5,000 for holding farmer’s institutes.  Evansville was chosen as one of two
places in Rock County to be the location of an institute.
B. S. Hoxie urged all businessmen in Evansville to support the institute “all business rests upon the increased
successes of agriculture.  Better life, better methods and better results is the motto.
Januy 8, and Jan, 22, 1886        Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie Campbell visited the Grange Center and gave some good talk on “Women’s Rights”
April 30, 1886, Evansville Review

Henry Campbell set out for Iowa to visit a sister and relatives in that state.  He was accompanied by his brother,
William, of  Footville.
May 28, 1886 Evansville Review

The next meeting of the Prohibition Club occurs the second Wednesday evening of this month, and Mrs. Vie H.
Campbell of Evansville is expected tor ead a paper at that time...
September 3, 1886 Evansville Review

Henry Campbell, wife and daughter, Pearl went to Darien Wednesday to attend the wedding of a cousin  Miss Lillian
Johnson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of that place and Mr. Burt M. Welch.  The event took place
Thanksgiving evening.
November 26, 1886        Evansville Review

The W. C. T. U. will hold their monthly meeting at the Y.M.C.A. rooms Friday at 3 p. m.  The exercises willc onsist of,
first, roll call; responses from Miss Willard; recitation by Miss Cora Hoxie; recent temperance notes, by Mrs. Hartley;
papers--The White Cross; Movement--Mrs. Wood.  The influence of the Haddock murder trial, by Mrs. Campbell.
Mrs. F. C. West, Sec’y.
        May 6, 1887 Evansville Review

Henry Campbell made some long strides to overtake the early Tuesday morning train, to go to the State Fair at
Milwaukee, where he is one of the judges in the horse department.
September 16, 1887        Evansville Review

Henry Campbell has sold a pair of horses to Mr. Utter for shipment to New York market realizing a pretty fair price,
but which Mr. Campbell does not care to tell but said he had six more in his stable at home that he could sell this
spring and then have four left to do his work with.  He says he can raise a colt for the same expense or less, than he
can raise a steer, and the former when put on the market, will bring him $125 and the latter barely $40, even after
feeding several months.  It does not require many figures to tell which is the most profitable for a farmer to raise.  He
is of the opinion also, a light horse is more profitable to raise, for market or service, on a farm than a heavy home.
February 21, 1888 Evansville Review

The E. E. S. A. will meet with Mrs. Vie Campbell, May 22, at 2:30 p.m
May 16, 1888 Evansville Review

B. S. Hoxie and wife and Mrs. V. H. Campbell leave Wednesday morning for Ripon to attend the Wisconsin
Horticulture Society’s meeting.
June 26, 1888        Evansville Review

State Fair articles
August 21, 1888
August 29, 1888

Mr. Henry Campbell requires the use of crutches from a badly sprained ankle cause by jumping from a wagon.
October 7, 1890 Tribune

Mrs Vie H. Campbell expects to visit Atlanta, Georgia soon as a delegate from the W. C.
T. U.
        October 28, 1890, The Tribune

President of W. C. T. U. first district, Mrs. Vie Campbell
        November 4, 1890, The Tribune

Mrs. Vie H Campbell will superintend the "Woman's Work" Department at the State Fair.
February 10, 1891, TheTribune

Vie H. Campbell was elected president of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
        June 14, 1892 Enterprise or Tribune?

State WCTU met at the home of Mrs. Vie Campbell, August 11, 1892
        August 9, 1892, Enterprise or Tribune?

Henry Campbell, wife and daughter Pearl and Mrs. 1. A. Hoxie left for Chicago. Mrs. Campbell will take charge of the
horticulture exhibit relieving secretary Hoxie a few days.
        June 28, 1893, Evansville Review

Henry Campbell, wife and daughter Pearl and Mrs. I. A. Hoxie left for Chicago.  Mrs. Campbell will take charge of the
horticulture exhibit relieving Secretary Hoxie a few days.
June 27, 1893, Evansville Review, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Henry Campbell calls his farm Maple Lawn
August 1, 1893, Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie Campbell went on the morning train on Monday to Rockford, from there she goes to Chicago and from there
to Cleveland, Ohio to attend the national WCTU convention.  She expects to be gone two weeks.
November 17, 1894  Badger

The equal suffrage committee will meet Monday evening with Miss Rusha Spencer
November 17, 1894, the Badger

Charles A. Howard, father of Mrs. Vie Campbell died at his home, La Cynge, Kansas, December 1. Mrs. Campbell
who was attending the National Convention of the WCTU at Cleveland Ohio, was sent for and arrived several hours
before his death. Mr. Howard was well known in this town as it had been his home for many years.
        December 8, 1894. The Badger.

Mr. Vie H. Campbell returned home Monday.
January 1, 1895  Tribune

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell will talk on horticulture at the joint convention of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society and
the Wisconsin State Horticultural Society at Madison, Feb. 5, 6, 7, & 8.
January 29, 1895 Tribune

Mr. Pole Shreve having sold his handsome residence on Madison Street to Mr. Henry Campbell, is now living in the
Hartley house.
November 2, 1895, The Badger, p. 1, col. 3, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell to deliver talk called "The House That Jack Built" at Farmers' Institute
Jan. 23, 1897 The Badger

Mrs. Vie Campbell and B. S. Hoxie attended the state Horticulture convention in Madison
February 6, 1897 Tribune

Mrs. Vie Campbell gave a parlimentary drill to the Women’s Literary Club.  “This was interesting and helpful to all the
members and the club is delighted with the promise of a series of these short lectures from this lady.
February 6, 1897 Tribune

The Ladies’ Auxilliary of the Farmers’ Institute, held in this city the 28th and 29th insts. proved a decided success.  
Mrs. Vie Campbell presided with grace and dignity, she said in opening that she believed that the holding of a
separate meeting by the ladies, was, in Wisconsin, an innovation.  If this is the case other towns may profit by our
February 16, 1897  Tribune

Mrs. Vie C. Campbell left Thursday noon, to be absent about two weeks on a lecturing tour in Waukesha and Rock
February 16, 1897 Tribune

Mrs. Vie Campbell left Tuesday for the northern part of the state where she will spend eight weeks in giving lectures.
March 13, 1897 Tribune

Mrs. Vie Campbell returned Wednesday from a trip to Michigan
August 7, 1897 Tribune

Mrs. Vie Campbell while in the northern part of the state had the misfortune to slip on an icy walk and fall, breaking
her wrist.  She returned home on the first train and is recovering as rapidly as can be expected from so serious an
December 18, 1897 Tribune

Mrs. Vie C. Campbell went to Madison, Tuesday to attend the 2nd annual meeting of the United Temperance
Societies of the state.
        February 3, 1898 Evansville Review

The second annual convention of the United Temperance Workers of the state, composed of delegates from the
Good Templars, Catholic Total Abstinence Union and other temperance societies, opened this afternoon and will be
held through this evening, the session being held in the Good Templar Hall. (Madison)  Rev. W. H. Clark of Ripon is
president and Mrs. Vie H. Campbell of Evansville is Secretary of the Association which has not yet adopted a formal
name.  A conference of representatives of the different societies was first held a year ago, at which time it was
decided to make the organization permanent.
February 5, 1898 Tribune

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell has just received notice this Friday morning that she is chosen as one of the delegates to the
National Liberal Party convention to be held at Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, February 24, 1898
                February 18, 1898 Enterprise

Free Baptist Church -- In the evening, February 20, 1898 will be a memorial service for Francis Willard.  Mrs. Vie
Campbell and others are expected to take part.
February 19, 1898 Tribune

Mrs. Vie Campbell and her mother, Mrs. Howard, returned from their Kansas visit Thursday evening.
March 26, 1898 Tribune

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell went to Darlington, Saturday, where she gave an address on Sunday evening.
April 1, 1898 Enterprise

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell took her departure Friday afternoon to act as one of the judges of a contest at South Wayne,
and speak at Shullsburg the following day.
April 8, 1898 Enterprise

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell, State Pres. of the W. C. T. U. attended a convention of that society at Chippewa Falls.  
        May 27, 1898 Enterprise

The Review says the city of Lodi was presented with a fountain, Tuesday, and Mrs. Vie Campbell of this city gave the
address.  We suppose it was a public watering fountain and how we wish our city council or someone would take the
hint and go and do likewise here.
        July 1, 1898 Enterprise

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell of this city has begun suit against the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway
Company for $5,000 damages for an accident which happened on the station platform in Merrillian in November ‘97
by which she received injuries.
January 21, 1899 Badger, P. 1

Mr. B. S. Hoxie and Mrs. Vie H. Campbell have been in attendance at the State Horticulture Institute this week.
February 11, 1899  Badger

Vie Campbell, Supt. of Culinary, China Painting, Needlework at Evansville's first Rock County Fair. in 1899.

September 15, 1899. The Enterprise

The annual meeting of the W.C.T.U. of Rock County was held in Janesville, Tuesday, at which Mrs. Vie H. Campbell
of this city was elected president.....
October 17, 1899 Tribune

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell is attending the state Unitarian conference in Janesville today.
October 31, 1899 Tribune

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Campbell enjoyed eating fresh tomatoes, Thanksgiving, set to them by their daughter from the
December 5, 1899 Tribune

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell has a class of 43 in Janesville made up from the ladies clubs of that city which she is teaching
parliamentary law, giving them lessons every Tuesday.
December 5, 1899 Tribune

The Evansville Fair Association officers for 1900 Pres. W. E. Campbell, V. Pres. H. L. Austin, Treas. Geo. Pullen,
Sec. F. Springer.  H. L. Austin, Supt. Of Agriculture and horticultural department.  J. H. Gill, Supt. of horses, C. J.
Doolittle, Supt. Of cattle, Geo. L. Pullen, supt. Of Poultry, Mrs. Vie H. Campbell, Supt. Of Fine Arts.
Jan. 16, 1900.

Mrs. Vie Campbell speaks in All Souls Church in Janesville, Tuesday afternoon.
January 30, 1900 Enterprise/Tribune

WCTU convention in Janesville.  Mrs. Vie Campbell elected president of Rock County WCTU.   
Janesville Gazette, October 3, 1900

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell has been elected President of the Womens Christian Temperance Union of Rock County.
October 6, 1900, The Badger, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell was chosen President of the Rock County WCTU
October 9, 1900 The Enterprise
The Badger, October 13, 1900, p. 8, col. 1, Evansville, Wisconsin

The Women’s Literary Club held their meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Vie Campbell.
October 20, 1900, The Badger, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Eva Campbell Leonard took her departure Wednesday for her home in Petersburg, Tenn. after a very pleasant
visit of a couple of months with parents and friends in this city.
March 7, 1902, Evansville Review

Henry Campbell went to Janesville Tuesday to meet his brother-in-law L. H. Smith of Helensburg, Scotland.  Mr.
Smith is General Superintendent of the Singer Sewing Machine factory at Glasgow where 7,000 men are employed
in the company’s shops.  As Mr. Smith owns land in the Red River Valley he comes over occasionally to look after his
interests here.  His wife will be remembered as Hattie Campbell.
        April 25, 1902, Enterprise.

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell left Friday for Monteagle, Tenn.  where she will conduct a class in parliamentary law at an
assembly for four weeks, and will visit her daughter, Mrs. Eva Leonard at Petersburg, Tenn, before her return home.
July 12, 1902, the Badger

Henry Campbell and daughter, Miss Pearl leave Monday for Los Angeles and other points on the Pacific Coast,
expecting to be gone two months or more.
May 2, 1903, The Badger, p. 1, col. 3, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell and Miss L. B. Voelz are attending the National W. C. T. U. convention at Cincinnati.
November 14, 1903, The Badger, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell gave an address in the first M. E. Church in Janesville, Thursday afternoon; her subject was
the W. C.T.U. convention.
January 15, 1904, The Enterprise

Mrs. Vie Campbell will give several lectures in the northern part of the state next week.
The Enterprise, February 5, 1904

Mrs. Vie Campbell gave a very interesting lecture Thursday evening before the anti-cigarette club at the Seminary.
The Enterprise, February 5, 1904

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell returned Tuesday evening from a two weeks lecturing tour in the northern part of the state.
The Badger, March 5, 1904, p. 1, col. 3, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell has been in Eau Claire for several days, in the interests of the W. C.T.U.
August 11, 1904, Evansville Review

Henry Campbell left for Michigan Thursday last and from there will go to Vermont during this month and September.
August 11, 1904, Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie Campbell goes to Racine next week where she will deliver a lecture before the 20th Century Club. During
the latter part of the month she goes as a delegate to the National W. C. T. U. and from there to Washington to
participate in the unveiling of a monument to the memory of Frances E. Willard.
November 3, 1904, Evansville Review Page 1, Col. 2

Henry Campbell and daughter have returned from the St. Louis exposition. November 10, 1904, Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell too her departure, Thursday, for Philadelphia, to attend the W.C.T.U. convention.  She will visit
Washington before returning.  
November 26, 1904, The Badger, p. 1, col. 3, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell returned Tuesday evening from her eastern trip, and reports having had a most enjoyable and
pleasant one. Evansville Review,
December 8, 1904 Page 1, Col. 2

Mrs. Eva Leonard of Petersburg, Tenn., arrived here a few days ago, to make a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Campbell.
January 19, 1905, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin

Last Friday afternoon thirty ladies of the W. C. T. U. held a parlor meeting at the home of Mrs. H. O. Meyers.  Mrs.
Vie Campbell gave a very interesting report of the National convention and Miss Etta Hubbard gave a short talk on
physical culture.
January 26, 1905, p. 1, col. 1, Evansville, Wisconsin

We are glad to report that Mr. Henry Campbell who has been very ill for several weeks is improving.  His son, Leo, of
Pecatonica, Ill. is here this week looking after the changing of tenants on the farm.
        March 3, 1906, Badger

The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. M. J. Fisher on Church and Madison Street
Friday, September 21, 1906.  A sketch of the life of Mary S. Hunt will be given by Mrs. Vie Campbell.   All welcome.
        September 20, 1906 Evansville Review

November 23, 1906, The Enterprise, p. 3, col. 4, Evansville, Wisconsin
Mrs. Vie H. Campbell was in Brooklyn Saturday addressing the members of the W. C. T. U.’s of that place.  While
there she organized a young woman’s auxiliary of that order with a membership of thirty-two.
        February 14, 1907 Evansville Review

Albany Vindicator:  Mrs. Vie H. Campbell of Evansville, state lecturer and organizer for the W. C. T. U. visited Albany
Saturday and Sunday.  The local union gave her a reception at their room Saturday evening, followed by a program
of music, addresses of welcome by Revs. Black and Erhardt and a response from Mrs. Campbell.  Mrs. Campbell
spoke in the Baptist church in the morning and at a union service in the M. E. church in the evening, her remarks
being mainly on the temperance question.
April 4, 1907, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell has returned from an extended trip through Central Wisconsin in the interest of the W. C. T. U.’
July 4, 1907, p. 5, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell and daughter, Miss Pearl, were in Madison, Sunday.
        February 29, 1912, Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell arrived home this afternoon from Tennessee where she has been lecturing since the beginning
of March in the interests of the W. C. T. U.  Mrs. Campbell is one of the national organizers of that union.
        May 23, 1912, Evansville Review

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell left yesterday for Juneau, where she will be engaged in W.C.T.U. work.
Evansville Review, August 8, 1912

Mrs. Vie H. Campbell is expected home from Minnesota tomorrow.  She has been there several weeks engaged in W.
C.T.U. work.
        October 31, 1912 E.R.

St. John’s Guild will meet with Mrs. Vie Campbell tomorrow afternoon.                                      
   November 21, 1912, Evansville Review

There will be a meeting of the finance committee of St. John’s Church Friday evening at the
home of Mrs. Vie H.
to discuss the improvements which are contemplated in the church building.  A full meeting is requested.  
Between three and five hundred dollars will be spent in putting St. John’s in complete repair.  Archdeacon Blossom
will be present.
        December 19, 1912 Evansville Review

Miss Pearl Campbell has returned from South Dakota where she has been since last October, assisting in St. Mary’s
Indian school on the Rosebud reservation.
December 11, 1913, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin

Miss Pearl Campbell of Milwaukee spent the weekend at the home of her brother, Leo Campbell, and visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Eva Leonard, who is here from Tennessee.
February 7, 1924, Evansville Review, p. 5, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

November 20, 1924, Evansville Review, p. 1, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

Leo H. Campbell, the son of Henry and Vie Howard Campbell, was born on the farm on the Janesville road, where
practically his entire life was spent, December 1, 1869. He attended the Evansville Seminary and was graduated with
the class of 1891 on November 27, 1895, he was married to Miss Minnie Peterson bringing his wife to the old
homestead which his father had purchased many years before from Levi Leonard.

Here was born his four children, Lucille, a graduate of Northwestern University and a present a teacher of
mathematics in the Janesville high school; Donald a student in school of engineering at the Unviersity of Wisconsin,
little twelve year Ruth who has shown marked ability as an agriculturist and who has been an active and successful
member of the stock raising clubs for boys and girls; and Paul. Besides the immediate family he is survied by two
sisters, Mrs. Eva C. Leonard of Petersburg, Tenn., and Miss Pearl H. Campbell of Milwaukee.

His death, which was a shock to the entire community, came quite suddenly and painlessly early on the morning of
November 17th while he was attending to some duties on the farm. It was as though God's finger touched him and he

To few is it given to enjoy in so large a measure, the respect, the affection of an entire community. He had no
enemies. Men in all walks of life loved and respected him. No one ever came to him for help and went away empty

He learned early in life that to be truly happy is to serve and so he gave unstintedly of himself to his family and to the
wider circle stretching beyond the farmhouse doors, even though he knew that he was going beyond his strength.
Now in the harvest time of the year, in the golden glory of his manhood, he has gone home, leaving to the world the
example of a blameless life and to those who were closest to him the priceless heritage of a charger without

The Evansville Review, November 1924  p. 4, col. 5, Evansville, Wisconsin

January 22, 1925, Evansville Review, p. 5, col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin

June 18, 1964, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin

December 28, 1880,
Evansville Review, p. 2, col. 2,
Evansville, Wisconsin
February 17, 1893,
The Enterprise,
p. 4, col. 1,
Evansville, Wisconsin

July 21, 1893,
p. 4, col. 1,
January 26, 1895,
The Badger,
p. 1, col. 3,
Evansville, Wisconsin
February 27, 1896, Evansville Review, Evansville, Wisconsin
June 13, 1896, The Badger, p. 1, col. 4,
Evansville, Wisconsin
Leo Campbell is at a Madison
sanitarium taking treatment for
January 19, 1905, p. 1, col. 1,
Evansville Review, Evansville,

Leo Campbell came home from the
Madison Sanitarium Friday last, but
returned again Monday for further
treatment.  He does not seem to be
improving as fast as his many friends
January 26, 1905, p. 5, col. 1,
Evansville Review, Evansville,
Miss Pearl Campbell is teaching in the
Patterson district; she boards at home
in this city and makes the trip daily on
her wheel.
        September 21, 1897, The
Pearl Campbell
February 2, 1897, The Tribune, p. 1
Evansville, Wisconsin
February 27, 1896, Evansville Review,
Evansville, Wisconsin

November 2, 1897, The Tribune,
p. 1, col. 3, Evansville, Wisconsin
January 8, 1901,
The Tribune,
p. 3, col. 6,
Evansville, Wisconsin
March 10, 1904, Evansville Review,
p. 1. col. 2, Evansville, Wisconsin